Notice: Please cite the following paper if you are using TaintBench:

Luo, L., Pauck, F., Piskachev, G. et al. TaintBench: Automatic real-world malware benchmarking of Android taint analyses. Empir Software Eng 27, 16 (2022).

How does TaintBench compare to DroidBench?

List of Evaluated Benchmark Suites

Usage of Sources and Sinks

usage of sources and sinks

Call-Graph Complexity

  • Results:

call-graph complexity

Code Complexity

  • Results:

code complexity

code complexity

How effective are taint analysis tools on TaintBench compared to DroidBench?

List of Evaluated Tools

Tool Version Source
Amandroid November 2017 (3.1.2) Link
Amandroid* December 2018 (3.2.0) Link
FlowDroid April 2017 (Nightly) Link
FlowDroid* January 2019 (2.7.1) Link

Download All Tools

Experiment 1 (Default)

Configuration: All tools are executed in their default configuration. Sources and sinks configured for the tools can be found below:

Experiment 2 (Suite-level)

Configuration: All tools are configured with sources and sinks defined in benchmark suite. Sources and sinks of the benchmark suites configured for the tools can be found below:

Experiment 3 (App-level)

Configuration: For each benchmark app, a list of sources and sinks defined in this app is used to configure all tools. Each tool analyzes each benchmark app with the associated list of sources and sinks.

Experiment 4 (Case-level)

Configuration: For each benchmark case (taint flow), only the source and sink defined in this case is used to configure all tools.

Assume a benchmark app contains N benchmark cases, each tool analyzes the benchmark app N times. Each time the tools are configured with the associated source and sink for the respective benchmark case.

Experiment 5 (Minified App)

For each positive benchmark case, a minified Apk is generated by the MinApkGenerator.

Experiment 6 (Delta App)

For each positive benchmark case, a delta Apk is generated by the DeltaApkGenerator.